Monday, September 12, 2005

Film Review No. 2: Hostage

Hostage starring Bruce Willis.

I watched this film the other ngiht and I must say i was quite impressed. I think of Bruce Willis as a rather good actor, but not since his hey-day of Die Hard have his films made such an impact (except maybe The Fifth Element). At first I didn't think I would enjoy this film but I did. I really did. It was originally recommended to me by my partner and that in it self surprised me as it is not her sort of film.

The film starts off well by explaining why Talley, played by Bruce Willis, is in the position he is in. I must admit, our first sight of ihm does make him look like a young Santa Claus., same beard, same here, just grey. The emotional baggage this film carries is quite splendid and deos a very good job of enticing the viewer, both mentally and emotionally, without going too soppy and still keeping that 'Grrr' hard man edge.

I would well recommend this film for viewing. It is now available to rent or buy at your local retailer.


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